Dr. Farris Jordan
Dr. Farris Jordan
Psychologist, Private Practice

Psychologist, Private Practice
Psychologist, Private Practice
Dr. Jordan is a licensed psychologist with four degrees from the University of Tennessee. He has authored four books and 72 articles on the prevention of physical and mental illness and is widely recognized as an expert on controlling stress. He has worked as a Director of a Counseling Center, University professor, and was a stress consultant for Fox News during President Clinton’s impeachment hearings. He has received national recognition for his “Hands On” research on the effects of stress and how to cope by becoming personally involved in highly stressful activities such as sky diving, Brahman Bull riding, NASCAR race driving, alligator wrestling, 21 marathons including 13 consecutive Boston Marathons, completion of the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine in 139 days and the 2,552 mile Mississippi River in a small canoe in 57 days. In 2013 he was awarded the Jane Kennedy Excellence in Aging Award for his leadership and positive impact on the quality of life of older persons.