Tracy Armstrong
Tracy Armstrong
Program Director, ETAAAD

Program Director, ETAAAD
Program Director, ETAAAD
Tracy Armstrong graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a bachelor’s degree in social work. She has more than 25 years’ experience working with older and vulnerable adults in long term care facilities and in community-based settings. Her duties and responsibilities have included direct client services, new program / policy development, and oversight of multiple service delivery projects. She is currently the Program Director for the East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability at ETHRA. Prior to this role, she managed the East TN CREVAA Victim Services program and worked in several state and federally funded programs, including Options for Community Living, National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the TennCare CHOICES program. Tracy participates in several local and regional aging community initiatives and actively participates in East Tennessee’s Elder Justice Initiative. She has been on the 2023 TNEJC Planning Committee since 2017.